Simply White
48” x 72” canvas
Latex + Acrylic + Marker
If you’re white, it doesn’t take much effort or thought to go through your life. Systems are put in place to see you succeed and even provide a safety net if you fail. It’s easy to ignore racial oppression. It’s easy to enjoy privilege. It’s easy to ‘not see color’. It’s easy to say ‘all lives matter’. It’s all so simple. It’s all too easy to be simply white.
But now, it’s not so simple. The line is being drawn.
Will I remain simple or will I become a catalyst for equality? Will I choose the easy life or one of meaning? Will I actively choose to remain a racist? What will I tell my grandchildren I did in 2020?
Is it all just simply dust in the wind or will I be remembered for something when I’m gone?
Black Lives Matter
*** PS: The outer most white color is named simply white from Benjamin Moore